As much we bought our first kite at beach during our holidays. With the breeze, this kite had a very good flight, but back in the Paris area ... it was a different story! . Through meetings with enthusiasts of Cerf-Volant Club de France we discovered this amazing little machine, learned to control it, then manufacture it ourselves. The first flights of each of our kites homemade remain in memory as touching moments. After many hours sewing for some, the flight is finally the moment of truth! |
We also met with kite flyers from around the world at festivals kites and more particularly to Dieppe, during the International Kite Festival, held every two years.
And among the events which we participated, two are still very present. In 1998, Japan was the guest of honor at the Festival of Dieppe and two years later with Guatemala soaring giants Sumpango.
Thus, we participated in the flight of the O-Dako (large kite). The team of 24 Japanese, led by Kiyoshi Onishi, a little grandpa 77 years, all wrinkled, but with certain authority, had come straight from Yokaichi. But as they were not numerous enough to take off, they asked for volunteers. Stroke of luck! !We spend several days with them to fly the Giant.
We are divided into three teams. The first is responsible for the preparation of the kite, the other two are responsible ropes (each string clamping is 40 m and there are 50). Despite the capricious wind and rain threatening, the O-Dako must fly, it is a matter of honor.
A long whistle sounded. That's the signal! Wooden poles straighten the kite into the wind, while the thick rope and bridle stretch in the wind. The giant 200 kg take off. The crowd holds its breath, then applauds this magic moment.
Thank you to the team Yokaichi of us having to share! |
Flight of Albatross - Festival of Marseille |
Team Yokaichi fixed frame bamboo |
In 2000, the Guatemalan team did not need to volunteer to fly their big kites. But we made friends with the Coyote family and spent quality time together. They have learned the techniques of construction, symbolic reasons and their desire to show the Mayan culture. In exchange we gave them discover French culinary specialties. |
A moment with the Bali Kite Association |
Ruo Xin Li and his unreal small kite |
Off protocol, with Emmanuel Petit |
And always at Dieppe: If you can not go to Bali ... Bali is coming to you. The beautiful kites are presented by RA Helmi Ginanti (princess of the royal family and Secretary of Bali Bali International Kite committee) and her husband Prince Ida Bagus Narendra Ucrasena. We thank them both for their patience in teaching us how to assemble a Janggang and make it fly.
In 2006, Emmanuel Petit was present on the airfield as an ambassador for the Défi pour la Terre (Earth Challenge) of the Fondation Nicolas Hulot. I'm not a fan of football (no one is perfect!) and I have learned that day that he was. I offered my little Korean kite representing the Green Foundation logo (pictured above right) explaining the technique to make it fly.He had to give her daughter, but as she was only 2 years, first it should serve as a decoration ...
He was inexhaustible on the history of kites Brazilian. In Brazil, he leads workshops for manufacturing pipas for children who have "forgotten" to go to school. Max is quite a character! We hope that on our world trip takes us to his studio. |
Direct 8 is a French television (DTT) spent on broadcasting livepen to the world, ecology is the pride of this channel.
D-Day: that is! Patrick seemed very relaxed when arriving on the set. Decoration with some kites, makeup in the dressing room, put the microphone. All in good humor.
3 .... 2 ... 1 ... it's running! After a short report on Dieppe, Patrick was invited to speak to talk about the kite, wind corridors and wind music. This is a good advertisement for the upcoming festivals. Beautiful experience that direct 50 minutes |
Since 1998, we established our association Aerohistory. Then, rich knowledge that we acquired from our friends abroad kite flyers, we have created an exhibition: "Legends and Traditions of the kite," which recounts the stories of kites in many Asian and South America countries.
It was soon followed by another on the theme "History of the kite," says its valuable contribution in the fields of meteorology, radio communications and aerial photography. We wanted to show to an audience the widest possible the kite is the result of a substantial inheritance too rarely taken into account.
In 2000 we created our website: Kite History and today in the world of kite our association is much more experienced than us.
We installed our exhibition in conventional manner, in cultural centers, gymnasiums, but also in unusual places like the church of St. Eugene where we have reworked our exhibition on Marco Polo and his travels in Asia, or still in the chapel of Sables d'Or les Pins (22 - Frehel). (Press Le Télégramme 16 June)
Panels, specially made for this occasion, have to honor the "Breton" for their feat in the world of kite: Manu Bertin, Anne Quéméré, brothers Dominique and Bruno Legaignoux. |
The kite in the War - Frehel |
Jangang in the church of St. Eugene |
The organizers had also asked us to show the current industrial applications of kite, such as SkySails project
But the area's most prestigious is the Belfry of Thionville, which served as the setting for our exhibition. It had "tamed" the great hall and more than 20 hours of assembly were necessary. Our exhibition was a part of the 48th Gordon Bennett Cup, the 2nd edition of Balloons of Light and many exhibitions on the theme of air throughout the city. Two news articles from Republican Lorrain: August 25 and August 26. |
We also organized numerous workshops for children: discovery, making and initiation to kite - workshops making paper balloon with hot air - fun activities around the element "air" through the construction and testing flying objects - workshops on different families of flying objects (aerostatic, aerodynamic ...). |
For toddlers, our workshops were devoted to painting and drawings on kites already slanted. After the painting, the kites are ready to fly to the delight of children. For older children, they have built with simple materials like paper or tivek, kites stable and easy to handle.We have always attached great importance to the educational aspect of these workshops: clamping, knots, wind direction, flying kite, safety directive .... Same method in the wind garden (below right) |
One of us had plans, the other a large garage for the cutting .... Our challenge: to build in a weekend 8 solar balloons. |
We have organized the "First Day of the Wind" in Fontenay le Fleury few years ago. This event took place in two stages. In the morning, the 250 school children flooded the sky with kites of all shapes and sizes constructed with the help of their teachers. In the afternoon, demonstrations of one ou two lines kites. The weekly Yvelines we had spent a short article.
Organization of the first round of the "Open Challenge - Ile de France". The land available contained no host structure. We had to install everything. The General Council of Yvelines has been a great support in organizing this day. Local radio and "France 3 Ile de France" were interested in this manifestaton: live interviews and television coverage during the "diary".
A few years later, working on the history of kite, we are "fallen" in the world of balloons. ... Balloons and kitesbeing closely linked during the First World War in the ballooning companies. In getting to know Mr. Audouin Dollfus, we are also fallen under the spell of Hangar Y (Meudon).
At about the same time we are contacted by the city of Meudon, which at the centenary of the death of Colonel Renard, wanted to honor him (Charles Renard devoted his life to the dirigible balloon and the aviation).
The communication department told us the organization and logistics of this event, held in July 2006. We have assembled enthousiastes kites, balloons, balloons, hot air balloons, Astronomy and wind gardens. |
Montage du Madiot à l'Orangerie - Meudon |
Pause à l'Orangerie après installation de l'expo |
The presence of hot air balloon turned this meeting into air show and we must have a flight director. Patrick assured his duties. " Envol à Meudon" was our biggest challenge. |